Creating Trial Balance Reports

You can create one or more trial balance reports in an engagement. Each trial balance report can be customized to include the groups you want as well as the level of detail with sub-groups and account numbers. If trial balance amounts change due to journal entries or importing new balances or manually changing balances, the amounts in the report are updated to the latest balances.

To create a trial balance report, do the following:

  1. Click the engagement on the Engagement List page.

    Note: See Using the Engagement List Page for information about using the pagination and search features to find an engagement in the list.

  1. Navigate to the Trial Balance page.

  2. Click Create TB Report on the toolbar.

    Note: You cannot create a trial balance report in a “Locked” engagement.

  3. Add the following properties for each workpaper:

  • Index: Index helps you organize your reports alongside your workpapers. Index is an optional field and can be changed, as needed, on the Engagement View page. Index can be up to 32 alpha, numeric, and special characters.
  • Name: Name helps you identify the content of the report. This is a required field and can be changed, as needed, on the Engagement View page. Name can be up to 255 alpha, numeric, and special characters.

    Note: The combination of the report index and name must be unique across all reports and workpapers.

  1. Select the Trial balance to use for the report – either Financial or Tax.

  1. The Grouping list drop-down will display the grouping lists available for either the Financial or Tax trial balance selected.


  • You cannot create a trial balance report if no groups exist for the grouping list selected. You must cancel or pick a different trial balance and/or grouping list.

  • Engagements migrated from CCH ProSystem fx Engagement may potentially have multiple financial grouping lists at this time. In this case, a selection can be made.

  1. Select which groups to include in the report:

  • Include all current and future groups. Includes all current account groups in the grouping list, as well as any additional groups added in the future.

  • Include selected groups.  Includes only those groups that are selected in the list box below. You must select at least one group.

  1. Select the level of detail to include in the report:

  • Summary by group. Includes the total for each group.
  • Summary by group and sub-groups. Includes the subtotals by sub-group and the totals for each group.

  • Summary by groups, sub-groups and accounts. Includes the accounts in each group and sub-group and show the subtotals.

  1. Additional report options:

  • Format columns. A tab on the Trial Balance Report Options pane that allows customization to the columns that will be included within the report. This includes adding or removing current and prior year columns, reordering columns, and creating custom variances.

  • Classified report. This option is only available for financial reports. If selected, the report will show subtotals by class and type.

  • Journal entry details. This option is only available when summary be groups, sub-groups, and accounts is selected. If this option is selected when your trial balance contains journal entries, the journal entry reference number and value of the journal entry will display as a new line under each account on the report.

  • Include sum of account groups. If selected, the total of group balances will display at the bottom of the report.

  • Include net income. If selected, a net income row will appear at the top of the report and the corresponding balances for each column.

  • Hide accounts with no activity. This option is only available for reports that include account detail. If selected, accounts that do not have an unadjusted balance or any journal entry activity for the years in the report will be hidden.

  • Hide empty groups and sub-groups. This option will hide groups and sub-groups that have not been assigned to accounts for the years displayed in the report.

  1. Click Save to create the trial balance report. The report may take a couple of minutes to generate. You will receive a message when the report is successfully created.

Each trial balance report index and name will appear on the:

  1. The hamburger menu under “Trial Balance Reports”, and

  2. The Engagement View page under “Unfiled Reports”. You can drag and drop a report from “Unfiled Reports” to a folder.