You can manage financial groups from an engagement's Trial Balance page. You can then assign the groups to accounts as needed on the financial trial balance. A leadsheet is created automatically for the financial groups assigned to accounts.
The account classification selected for a group determines where that group and the accounts assigned to it display on the balance sheet and income statement.
For consolidated engagements, the groups list is shared across the parent and all subsidiary entities. If you create a group or subgroup in one subsidiary, it is available in the other subsidiaries as well. Groups and subgroups must be assigned at the subsidiary level.
The system-provided financial grouping list includes:
New financial groups that are assigned to accounts on the financial trial balance will display on the balance sheet and income statement within the account type based on the account classification selected for the new group.
Click the engagement on the Engagement List page.
Do one of the following:
For a non-consolidated engagement, click on the navigation bar and select Trial Balance.
For a consolidated engagement, click View next to the subsidiary you want to work with. You can also click on the navigation bar and select Trial Balance. Then, clickin the gray navigation bar and select the entity you want to work with.
Enter a unique identifier for each financial group. It can include both letters and numbers. These special characters are not allowed ' | : " , ( )
Group Name
Enter a unique name for each financial group.
Account Classification
Select a classification from the list.
Specify the location for this group relative to other groups. The location you select also determines the order of the leadsheets and the group order in financial statements.
Click into the text box beneath the Group location label.
Select a group that will immediately precede or follow this new group.
Click either Above or Below to indicate whether the new group should appear above or below the selected existing group.
You can edit information for a financial group created by your firm using the procedure below. The default groups provided by Engagement cannot be edited.
To edit information for a financial group, do the following:
Click the engagement on the Engagement List page.
Do one of the following:
For a non-consolidated engagement, click on the navigation bar and select Trial Balance.
For a consolidated engagement, click View next to the subsidiary you want to work with. You can also click on the navigation bar and select Trial Balance. Then, clickin the gray navigation bar and select the entity you want to work with.
Click Edit/Delete on the toolbar.
Select Financial Group in the Type box.
Select the index or name of the group. You can also begin typing the index or name; the group list filters to include only the groups that match your entered text. Select the group you need when you see it.
Edit the information for the financial group as needed.
You can delete all financial groups in your trial balance, including the default groups provided with Engagement, except for 3000 Equity.
To delete a financial group, do the following:
Click the engagement on the Engagement List page.
Do one of the following:
For a non-consolidated engagement, click on the navigation bar and select Trial Balance.
For a consolidated engagement, click View next to the subsidiary you want to work with. You can also click on the navigation bar and select Trial Balance. Then, clickin the gray navigation bar and select the entity you want to work with.
Click Edit/Delete on the toolbar.
Select Financial Group in the Type box.
Select the index or name of the group. You can also begin typing the index or name; the group list filters to include only the groups that match your entered text. Select the group you need when you see it.