Managing Financial Sub-groups

You can manage financial sub-groups from an engagement's Trial Balance tab. You can add financial sub-groups to any existing financial group and then assign the sub-groups as needed. A sub-group displays on the same leadsheet as its parent group. Sub-groups also display on financial statements.

For consolidated engagements, the sub-groups list is shared across the parent and all subsidiary entities. If you create a group or subgroup in one subsidiary, it is available in the other subsidiaries as well. Groups and subgroups must be assigned at the subsidiary level.

Tip: If your firm has saved grouping list templates, you also have the option to replace the system-provided financial grouping list with one of the templates. See Using a Grouping List Template for more information.

Click a link below to view detailed instructions.

ClosedAdd a financial sub-group.

ClosedEdit a financial sub-group.

    (missing or bad snippet)
  1. Click Edit/Delete on the toolbar.
  2. Select Financial Sub-group in the Type box.
  3. Select the group for the sub-group you want to edit.

    Tip: If you enter the index or name for the group, the list of groups will automatically filter to include only the groups that match your entered text.

  4. Select the sub-group you want to edit.
  5. Edit the index and sub-group name as needed.

    Note: The index and name must be unique across all other sub-groups for the selected group. They do not have to be unique for sub-groups across different groups.

  6. ClosedSpecify a new location for the sub-group in the trial balance it needed. You can only perform this step if there are multiple sub-groups for this group.

    1. Click into the text box beneath the Sub-group location label.
    2. Select a sub-group that will immediately precede or follow the sub-group.
    3. Click either Above or Below to indicate whether the sub-group you are editing should appear above or below the selected existing sub-group.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click at the top right of the pane to close it.

ClosedDelete a financial sub-group.

You can delete all financial sub-groups.

Note: If you assign accounts to a sub-group for a financial group, and then delete that sub-group, the assignment for those accounts changes to the group with no sub-group.

    (missing or bad snippet)
  1. Click Edit/Delete on the toolbar.
  2. Select Financial Sub-group in the Type box.
  3. Select the group for the sub-group.

    Tip: If you enter the index or name for the group, the list of groups will automatically filter to include only the groups that match your entered text.

  4. Select the sub-group you want to delete.
  5. Click Delete.
  6. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  7. Click at the top right of the pane to close it.