You can manage financial sub-groups from an engagement's Trial Balance tab. You can add financial sub-groups to any existing financial group and then assign the sub-groups as needed. A sub-group displays on the same leadsheet as its parent group. Sub-groups also display on financial statements.
For consolidated engagements, the sub-groups list is shared across the parent and all subsidiary entities. If you create a group or subgroup in one subsidiary, it is available in the other subsidiaries as well. Groups and subgroups must be assigned at the subsidiary level.
Enter an index and name for the sub-group. These special characters are not allowed ' | : " , ( )
Specify the location for the sub-group relative to other sub-groups for this group. This step is only necessary if there is already another sub-group for the selected group.
Click into the text box beneath the Sub-group location label.
Select a sub-group that will immediately precede or follow this new sub-group.
Click either Above or Below to indicate whether the new sub-group should appear above or below the selected existing sub-group.
Select the group for the sub-group you want to edit.
Select the sub-group you want to edit.
Edit the index and sub-group name as needed.
Specify a new location for the sub-group in the trial balance it needed. You can only perform this step if there are multiple sub-groups for this group.
Click into the text box beneath the Sub-group location label.
Select a sub-group that will immediately precede or follow the sub-group.
Click either Above or Below to indicate whether the sub-group you are editing should appear above or below the selected existing sub-group.